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Moving the Blog

June 28, 2010

I haven’t posted in a while obviously.  We are working on a new website for Canvas that will have an incorporated blog.  All of us will be able to access it and post.  It will give active content to our website and allow us to share our thoughts together in one place.  Keep checking for the update.  It should go live in a week or so.

Open Position

May 10, 2010

We need someone to staff our Action side.  Seriously.  Oh, and there isn’t any promise of pay….

I am looking for someone who is PASSIONATE about Savannah and its people.  I am looking for someone who is willing to do something that will change lives, which means you may get dirty.  I need someone who is pretty out-going and is a total self-starter.

Mainly, I need GOD’s person.  I need someone who feels like they are called to do THIS exactly and they can’t sleep at night until they get started.  I would love to share what God has been revealing about the future direction of Canvas and how its going to lead the way in this area.

I believe you are out there… email me at and we’ll talk.

So what’s the BIG announcement?

May 4, 2010

This past Sunday we announced that on the first Sunday of every month we will not be having services.  Instead, we will be out doing ministry in Savannah on those days.

There are alot of questions around this I am sure, so let me elaborate….

– 1/3 of Canvas is what we term “Action”.  We haven’t done a good job of being who we say we are.  We believe that action (missions, service, whatever you want to call it) is a huge catalyst to life change.

– We believe the church has an image problem.  We are typically seen as saying one thing (often judgemental) and yet doing nothing.  We are often very segregated and too afraid to get uncomfortable.  I don’t think this is how Jesus lived.

– We believe after being here for over a year now and doing “church”, that what Savannah needs is for the church to get off its butt and be who we say we are.  That doesn’t mean go on a few planned mission outings.  It means actually LIVING DIFFERENTLY.  This is a first step to becoming different.

– Savannah has many needs, as I am sure every city does.  We are finding out where God is at work in those needs and joining him there.  And, if he so leads, we will begin to meet needs in new ways.  Obedience is the key.

I am sure there are many questions like “What about kids?” and “What about visitors?”.  We will have some answers to those questions on the website, albeit they may not be totally satisfactory for some people.  Actually DOING and BEING what Jesus called us to is messy.  It’s time to stop being so “safe”.  I challenge you to think differently about what it means to be a Christian and what it means to be connected to a local church.  Its time we live differently and if we have to, in Savannah at least, Canvas will lead the way!

You can check out our website for other information and what projects we are involved in.

Canvas Update…

March 26, 2010

Here are some updates and thoughts for me right now:

– We started a new series on discipleship/sanctification.  I feel very burdened to have a church that is HEALTHY above all else.  I think healthy churches grow, but not all growing churches are healthy.  Yeah, its weighty and thick, but its good truth that everyone just needs to know and be.

– Easter is coming up and we are really praying God brings people out for the first time.  We’re just gonna elevate Jesus and speak truth.  There is a mailer going out that is kinda funny.  It says “Shock Your Mama – Go to church this Easter”.

– I have seen so much growth in our people over the last month.  I had two people come up to me Sunday and tell me that their lives are changing because of what God is doing in their hearts.  That is awesome!  More of that, Lord!

– Our family is moving this weekend…ahhhh!  Its crazy, but that’s just the way we roll.  We are moving off the island and more into the city on 52nd street.  The area there is full of families and it gives us someone living in the city so we have an anchor there…plus the house is really cool.  🙂

– Jared and April moved into their new house.  I am so proud of them.  They have a new house and a new dog, Coco.  Mark, Trisha, Trey and Ella are getting to move into a house as well.  I’m so happy for them.  They need the space with the growing family they have.

– My son, Ryan turned 12  yesterday.  I feel old.

– Canvas has several mission teams coming down to do ministry here.  One comes the week after Easter.  We have 3 teams we are working with in the summer and I was told of one more that is possibly coming in May.

– God is growing Canvas in ways that I would not have thought.  But, it’s good, you know?  He tends to work in ways that make our plans look foolish.  His will be done.

Change of plans…

March 11, 2010

I have been burdened that we need to be talking about just what it means to be a follower of Christ.  I believe if we just preach Christ, him crucified, risen and coming again that everything else will be taken care of.

We had a GREAT time in the “Need a New Marriage?” series, but I just felt burdened to teach about becoming more and more like Jesus.  Progressive sanctification is the 5 dollar term for it.  It’s good to give some how-to’s but right now the Holy Spirit that lives inside the hearts of believers, is pressing me to just talk about Jesus and what it means to be his padiwan learner (dorky StarWars reference for those of you that don’t get it).

So over the next 10 weeks or so we are going to be talking about sanctification.  I truly believe that some people are going to be set free through this series and learn some things that will take them to new levels of faith.  It’s going to be EXCITING!  I’m PUMPED and can’t wait to get started!